Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"Among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction. The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate, as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice…
By a faction I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community." (Federalist #10)
What is the real problem with General Motors is it the U.S. government, maybe it’s the bondholders or could it be the UAW? What I say is we have ourselves a faction, which two is the debate we will discuss in this commentary. The most blame should and does rest with GM, they created this situation. With all the thinking heads they should have seen this coming ten or more years ago, they saw how Toyota and others were taking over chose to ignore it. Maybe they should have looked back at Henry Ford model of selling by volume, worked for him. They also took the money around $18 billion that’s a lot of money, now the bondholders are getting money and the UAW is getting more than their fair share.
The bondholder’s maybe the only innocent group in this hold mess. All they want is a return on their investments, which is the whole concept of investing. The last offer is they will trade over $27 billion in GM bonds for a 10% stake equity stake in the new restructured company. So they are now a stumbling block, you would think they should jump right on that, who wouldn’t want 10% of a doomed company. Same as you being an investor in a lemonade stand which stopped making money in September, so for your $5,000 we are going to wait for the first blizzard remove the top and give you 10% stake come December. Why wouldn’t you jump on that?
The UAW prime example of a faction in my opinion, they are only about the good for members of their interest group. They don’t seem to care if GM goes out of business or not thus sinking the ship for both union and none union workers. They have such a strangle hold on all the auto makers, that’s why in this new deal for the $20 billion owed to the retirement fund they get 39% interest in the new restructured company vs. the bondholder’s getting 10% for $27 billion.
So it’s up to us to break and control the faction “There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects.” As stated by Madison in Federalist #10, but since we can’t use these tactics also stated by Madison because it would be worse than the faction. We can if they don’t get their act together and lower their wages, lower the car prices you can sell them as volume and still make money or keep them and go to Arizona and make a bone yard next to the aircraft one. If not we can take the next step from federalist #10 by forming our own majority and buying Ford products.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Blog Stage Six
The review written by Winston was well done and some very good points were made, I would like to expand upon those points. True those that control the wealth in
Winston fail to mention possible solutions to this problem of the under privileged, I help out and add a couple which hopefully will benefit his users. First thing get off your butts and quit watching those that have and thinking, “Wish I had that” get motivated. Look at Michael Dell’s and others stories these dreams didn’t fall in their laps they had and idea and ran with it, there’s not a reason that anyone who is motivated and can stay focused on their goal can not do the same. The second thing is the stock market, invest your money let it grow without breaking your back to do it. Most people look at the stock market and make it so complicated that they never actually try it. Read a few short books take a few dollars and jump in, this is the best time for all of us that want to invest, all the stock are a bargain. So quit your excuses and get going toward making your own wealth.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Get Out of Iraq Now!
Get Out of Iraq Now!
U.S. Government look at history and get the hell out of Iraq. We really need to re-evaluate our purpose for being there. What do we seek to accomplish? Are we trying to spread democracy? Are we protecting ourselves and our future? Are we afraid to admit this may have been a personal vendetta from the past administration? Is it for the oil? Whatever the reason it doesn’t equal the value of one American life.
We as American know our way of life to be the best in the world. We like our way of life so much and we will make you take it. The democracy we love may not be for other cultures, with values based on religion our freedoms contradict the rules their religion. What may seem unfair to us is to them a perfectly fine way of life, while working in Saudi Arabia I was able to experience the culture first hand. Sometimes because something is different doesn’t make it wrong.
Freedom is a big word, what freedom are the people of Iraq hoping to gain? There are protest on the news all the time against the U.S. being in Iraq, if we are freeing them why are they protesting? Who are these people that protest, and if they want to be free why don’t they pick up a gun and fight for that freedom? I don’t think it’s right for Americans to die when there are able bodied men protesting, marching in parades, and sitting in street cafes sipping tea. Iraq was never a real threat against the U.S. military, our technology is so far ahead of what they have it could never be a threat to us. The weapons of mass destruction never existed, maybe President Bush had unfinished business with Saddam, there is at least one other person in the world that agree with me Bush and Saddam: Unfinished Business. Saddam is dead we all saw it on the internet let’s move on.
If we are there for oil, take the damn oil! Whatever happened to war the old fashion way? Even the card game, “I Declare War” if your flip card is higher you take the other person cards, let get back to that concept. If you go to war with another country you take their natural resources, women whatever. A Saudi once told me that the reason the women started wearing the covering was, when they were at war with other tribes the raiders could not distinguish the old woman from the young maiden we they kidnapped them. I don’t know how mush truth is in that statement hey it works for me. So if it’s about oil let’s get if not then let’s move on, because right now we have high gas prices and we have spent billions of our dollars for this war and they have a surplus of billions. How about we free ourselves and get out of Iraq!