Friday, February 27, 2009

Obama High on Style Low on Substance

Editorial: Obama high on style, low on substance
Claim: President Obama address to congress lack of substance, supporting evidence: none provided. This editorial from the Dallas Morning News although very well written with many catch phrases, lacks a shred of evidence and defies logic. This article will serve the purpose for an intended audience fiscal conservatives.
This cynic mentioned things like Obama’s style, him being upbeat, optimistic, vigor and conviction, while comparing him to three of the best presidents ever Reagan, Kennedy and Roosevelt. Yet afterwards attempts to discredit the same ideas that have improved the economy under these presidents. As this opinion goes Obama’s plan came up short “Obama plan came up short – which, we suspect, is why the stock market sank further yesterday.” I’m quite sure this person knows that the stock market has been slowly falling since 2000 after Bush took office; under Clinton the stock market soared it was a time of plenty for all.
This article ask for Obama to how would we pay for all the spending, to offer a vision for balancing the budget, so he could earn credit with big-government skeptic and to speak about the possibility of a bipartisan debt commission. To this I answer the same way we always pay more tax; but what the working class need is relief now not 50 years from now. Once the country has turned around then companies and the people start to make and spend more money as a by product the government will make more from taxes on spend such as travel, fuel and income. Beside Bush double the national debt while in office. We forget about last year’s stimulus package and bailouts. Credit with big-government skeptics the definition: Somebody who doubts something is true. Thank you. Bipartisan debt commission was there one in December? We will keep using that one.
These bailout plans for some companies are good for the economy, if we allow major banks to collapse then thousands will lose jobs and homes. I agree with this article on one thing Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal speech indicating that he would refuse the governments stimulus money may be enough for the people of Louisiana to not reelect him for another term, do he not know his state always rate the lowest in just about all the negative categories such as, worst education, highest poverty, highest crime rates and the worst infrastructure of highways. Yet HE doesn’t want the help? Chances are HE doesn’t need it.
This plan will stimulate the economy with the spend on education, highway, parks and energy jobs for Americans all these things in the past have got us back on our feet. There’s not a plan that’s perfect, we have to all do our parts and get this country back on its feet.

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